Tuesday, August 23, 2011

"If I had one wish.." Man, Ray J hit the nail on the head...

“People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.”

We’re inspired by people, places and thing. The people who I am moved by the most are usually my best friends and my family. Here's the Skinny, one of my favorite blogs written by one of my favorite friends, Cadence Renice Oliver Peeples, has stirred me to write about my wants, needs, likes and dislikes; and I’m going to somewhat steal her “listing style”.. So thank you Cado for lending me some much needed blogging stimulation!

I need…:

-A Temper Pedic… the mattress above all mattresses’ that I covet the most… oh, if only I could wake up every day rejuvenated on my Cali King Temper, I probably wouldn’t pop every bone in my body as much, excluding my knees because I just like how that feels…oh, and my elbows, too!

-Money… isn’t that a top need for mostly everyone (even though I did put a mattress as number 1 above the loot).

-Julian’s sebaceous cyst to be popped… I’ve tried 3 times to squeeze that sucker out with no luck. Now it’s a nasty scab and what’s worse, an eye-soar. Sheesh.

-My move into the new apartment to go without a hitch, glitch or snag… Yes, yes. This is crucial for both mine and Matty’s sanity. Thank the Lord for that beautiful, beautiful man.

-A new phone… A really technological piece like the rest of the world has….I can only imagine the inspiration I’ll gather from such a hi-tech apparatus… my blogs would be amplified and enhanced 100 times over.

-To stop picking the massive blisters on my feet…As a result, I’m now suffering from hip tendinitis.

-To see my family…It’s been a long time, and I miss my Ma and Pa

I want…:

-A bicycle… I may want one, but would I use it all that much? Probably not…Let’s move on

-A new camera… You know that one girl at every party who takes like a million candids and then posts them on Facebook and everyone’s like, “Damnit M.C., I hate when you put candids up because they’re really awful of everyone…..”…. uhhh..oh…wait.

-A new wardrobe... I don’t have any particular articles of clothing as of yet, and I wouldn’t purchase any right now due to the fickleness of Georgia weather, but I do know I’m going to get some killer boots, man.

-a Bugmesh…. This looks legit…Period. But a little anecdote for you: When I was a kid, I use to wake up early every morning (like most children) just to watch infomercials. One time, my mom overheard me when I was taking a bath, and I was pretending to sale some soap or a washcloth or my brother’s G.I. Joes, and apparently I made sure the consumer knew, “Sorry. No COD’s.” I was telling Matt this story the other day, and we both were questioning COD’s… So Matt, I googled it, and it means “cash on delivery.” And now we know.

-a Topstyler… I don’t know why I think this product will work, but I have high hopes that it will. Yet, like most products on television I’ve purchased on impulse, they’ve failed miserably.

For instance, NADs hair removal gel concocted by those two Australian women with caterpillars for eyebrows (apparently, they stood by their product, they just didn’t use it personally). These women claimed NADs was edible (?)… so I tried it. This green goo substance didn’t remove any of the thick jet black hair on my 10 year-old arms or legs, but it wasn’t bad on the taste buds. I’ll still consider this a fail. There was also another product I had seen on a 6 am infomercial that really snagged my attention: a self-tanner that promised to change my pale olive skin (thanks David) into a warm, tan glow. Mom thought it was worth a shot and so boop-didd-a-lee-doop, we bit the bait. Sadly, this product left me in my white cotton-under-roo’s in Betsey’s bathroom, with Betsey in plastic gloves carefully slapping on the doo-doo brown self-tanner that unfortunately stained not only the rug, but her hands and my entire body, as well. Again, another false promise…. Thanks a whole heap, A.S.O.T. land.

-To color my hair… Nothing crazy..just a nice shiny, solid all over color. No honey or caramel streaks. What is this? 2002? I should rant about this in my dislike column.

I like:

-Lemon water…So good for your skin.
-Facebook chat… A saver from even worse arthritis in the long run…
-Thinking of baby names… I’ve had this obsession with names and multiple births from a wee age. I hope I have twins with the coolest names ever… And I hope they’re not smelly, spoiled or too short either.

I dislike:

-Women who still put streaks of color in their hair…Whether bold or skinny, I’m sorry, it’s amateur and a bit skanky, if you will. I feel it can be a true representation of one’s love life. With that said, stick to one color.

-Bad drivers… HUGE pet peave. HUGE.
-Always being the responsible one. And that’s all I’m going to say about that..

Of course I could add more to any one of these budding lists, but I’ll keep it semi-short. Maybe I’ll start posting this list once a week… Who knows?

Thanks for stopping by.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Godspeed, My Love...

Here I go again on my own!!! It’s true. This gal is moving...in with herself. As excited as I truly am to live in this big city unaccompanied, almost virginally wide-eyed and vigilant, my heart will be heavy from missing nights in the den with Mauricio. An even sadder realization that those precious hours I get to spend with Anna during the week will be cut even shorter. We’re all on such different schedules; it’s hard to make family time. What little time we do get to spend together is treasured, just like my friendships with these two.

I will miss them, laughing with them, napping with them, feasting with them and shooting the shat with them; it’s going to be hard to go from walking into a house full of crazy to coming home to just Joe (and I worry about his loneliness, too). Yet, I’m so fortunate to know this entire move is in my Father’s hands, and it’s something in which we’ve all confirmed will be for the best…for all three of us.

It’s the little things in life we are told to appreciate. Interestingly enough, it was a little spat with the roomies that turned into an epiphany in which I had no alternative but to welcome. As mature adults, I’m honestly relieved there are no hard feelings regarding my moving out and on to conquer life in a one bedroom, one bath (I can't wait to find the place and get some pictures up on here for everyone!) The situation was trivial, really, but led my train of thought down a path in which I had not given much thought too—albeit it may have been a once distant dream.

Without knowing the entire situation from start to finish, it would be difficult for any outsider to view this move as anything other than selfish. My decision to leave is far from thoughtless, though. In fact, God allowed me to put my wants and needs in perspective while simultaneously considering my relationship with my roommates.

Here we have Mauricio (God, I love this man), doing his damndest to make a living, while his entire family is in Costa Rica. He comes “home” to an old, raggedy futon, two dogs bickering worse than the old hags on The View, and estrogen, estrogen, estrogen city. Ok, let’s not kid ourselves; I forget we’re talking about me and Anna (we could probably just split one “estrogen” between the two of us and call it a day). But my point being, I can empathize with him not having a space to call his own. Having to live out of one closet in a sunroom with little to no privacy would be a challenge for anyone. My emotional state would be chaotically distressed, and trying to cover rent, utilities, a personal life, and two jobs would mentally drain a lesser man.

This epiphany to offer Mauricio some normalcy in his hectic schedule was just another nudge from ole’ J.C. allowing me to say, “Hey, since you and most of your stuff are already here, why don’t you sublet my room? It would be crazy not to jump on this faster than a hornet with ‘roid rage.” Luckily, he did!

As for me and Anna, our relationship only grows stronger the older we get. What a blessing. We’ve learned over many, many years of practicing our communication skills, we’re not always going to be on the same page, and hey, it’s going to take way more than that to break us. It’s amazing to know our friendship won’t fail because we disagree. Yes, we may have big fights or small trivial quarrels like any best friends, but bottom line (our choice phrase), we’re in love.

In this situation, we chose to remove any unnecessary baggage and contemplate what’s best for us in the long run. Stumble down a possible road of growing bitterness and resentment? Or make a mature decision to agree to disagree and close the gate to that road completely? We chose the latter and we did it together. I love Anna Claire for a multitude of reasons, and I’m honored to have her as a life-long friend and something more, a sister.

The Lord’s strategies and exit plans for our lives are difficult to navigate. When the ink runs out at the end of one chapter, for a split second, we may believe the tip of the feather won’t again be dipped. Let’s be honest: we couldn’t wrap our earthly minds around His plan if we tried. The book Stronger, written by Jim Daly, opened my eyes to many realizations. Yet, the point he drove home most was that it’s best to not let our hearts get to the breaking point of dismay. Allow God to be God. Give Him the opportunity to change our hearts, our minds and our actions to follow Him, and the rest of our wants and needs will follow suit.

Since finishing the book in February, I have chosen to leave the big, messy, and grizzly decisions , along with the small, and what may seem insignificant, decisions with He who knows best. He has yet to disappointment. Talk about being your solid rock!

Like I always say, everything happens for a reason. At the end of it all, I’d like to just keep being surprised…

For Anna:

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

She was the Cinnamon on My Toast.. We Were So Close.

Break-ups hurt. It pangs the heart, the ego and our pride. I’ve suffered many a hurtful severance in past relationships with boys I thought were thebomb.com, but inevitably, were too good to be true (or hardly that). Today, it’s not about any one guy I gave the benefit of the doubt too, it’s about her.

Although I know this blog will never reach her, I will still respect her enough to not mention her name. For all of those who know me and this particular situation, I’m sure you can circumnavigate the bush I’m beating around and can safely assume who this blog is really concerning. For those of you who do not, I’ll just call her “Lynn.”

Lynn and I met in college. For 18 years, we grew up literally fifteen minutes from one another in the same small town, but God didn’t cross our paths until her freshman year at UWG. It only took about a week for us to latch onto one another, and this is how we stayed for the rest of college...inseparable.

Our friendship was easy breezy, loving, fun, memorable but with great dismay, short-lived. Lynn wasn’t just the best friend who I shared with my deepest secrets, thoughts, interests and credo. She was my family, and I loved her likewise.

There’s no reason to brutally rip off any and all band-aids that hide my deep wounds regarding our demise. I’ve learned the past should remain in the past. I’ve forgiven the hurt she caused me then, and I hope she has done similarly. But the truth is I wouldn’t be writing this blog specifically about her if I wasn’t still a little heartsick about it all.

While I understand that God has a plan, and I undoubtedly believe that everything happens for a reason, I still can’t help but question why she and I are no longer in each other’s lives. I begin to wonder if he removed me from hers because I was damning to her well-being or vice versa. Sometimes, I let myself believe she’s better off without me, but I have to quickly remind myself that while I may feel I’m not better off without her, she may just be better at hiding it.

It's not that I constantly sit and stew over this issue, however, some days I do because I miss her considerably. I think about her infectious laugh, her awkwardness, her style, her sense of humor, her goals I admired, her mannerisms, her family, her dog. I think about our friendship, and I hurt because a big chunk of me feels vacant without her.

Although I have reached out several times to her in the past but to no avail, I have to assume there is an underlining issue that has still not been resolved. I'd like to think the genuine alligator tears and the "I'm sorry for everything" covered all the bases, but sometimes people need more than words, and I can respect that. I suppose there is no quick-fix and only time will be the ultimate mend. I really hope we can mend. Please, Lord, let us mend.

It’s the lyrics, the music in the car, the road-trips, the yellow t-shirt, her comfy bed, the movie quotes, the recipes, the late night study sessions, the pictures, the lazy days, the jokes, the parties, the good times and the bad… I miss everything. I miss my Lynn.

My relationship with Lynn was obviously unforgettable. I pray for her and pray our friendship may one day be rekindled. This may not be in the hand we were given, but I just know that I can’t forget about our house of cards.

I love you, Lynn.