Wednesday, June 22, 2011

So Says I...

The phrase "never say never" has never been more evidently true than in the here and now of my young adult life. Scratch that, adult life. I'm not referencing the Beib either..[(Asian face: -____-) <---for Trish.] Let me give a few examples:

Once a vegetarian, I vowed to never eat at or associate with McDonald's, and now ironically enough, I work as the Public Relation's Administrator for a McDonald's franchise. Those golden arches that I once detested are now keeping me clothed, warm and fed, rather than the manifestation of a bubbly gut of disgust.

At age 14, I swore up and down I'd never be anything like my mother when I grew up. Low and behold, I find myself frequently channeling Betsey's actions, thoughts and words, only to reiterate the phrase "I have become my mother." If only I always appreciated her as much as I do now... (If only the "if only's" could be vindicated).

In the aftermath of what I considered to be a life-sucking, heart-obliterating hopelessly unwarranted break-up , I wrote off relationships and told myself I'd never be in love again. Yet, through the powers that be (Amen, Hallelujah, Praise Jesus!), right here and right now, I'm in the most healthy, stable and loving relationship to date...and with my best friend.

So says I, such cliches stand at the forefront of how most of us decide to handle our problems. Thus, we react with resourceful, inspired yet unoriginal solutions, (taking from such examples as: you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.. or you can view the glass half full or half empty..or don't cut off your nose to spite your face..or there's two ways to skin a cat....etc.) I guess what I mean by that is, we utilize these figures of speech consciously and subconsciously in our behaviors and thoughts, until one day it clicks; the phrase becomes a motto in which we stand firmly behind.

So says I, I think it's time for me to grab a spork, warm up my words and dive in. I'll be the first to admit when I'm wrong (now-a-days), so here it is...I will never say never again.. especially since I'm usually the one with a mouthful.

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